Please read Introduction to Amrita Mandala first. Availability is restricted to members of Amrita Mandala Sangha.

Shattering the Substrate Mind is an advanced tantric practice aimed at revealing and liberating stubborn subtle patterns of the self-based mind. This practice requires the practitioner to first receive Rainbow Body Yoga empowerment. This is because it centers around one of its wrathful deities.

Shattering the Substrate Mind consists of Basic Prayers, Guru Yoga, wrathful deity practice, and a particular type of visualization.

Contents: 11 video recordings, 1 written file

Recorded: March 2021

Duration: 7 hours

Fees and options:

  • 400€ plus 0 hours of Yogis on Display

  • 300€ plus 5 hours of Yogis on Display

  • 200€ plus 10 hours of Yogis on Display

  • 100€ plus 15 hours of Yogis on Display

  • 20€ plus 30 hours of Yogis on Display

Yogis on Display should be performed within 3 months after the course.

Yogis on Display means meditating and doing your practices in a public place where others can see you. Yogis on Display is Amrita Baba's initiative to bring the practice of yoga and meditation into public awareness starting from everyone's place of living. You are required to make social media posts (Facebook, Instagram, others) with #yogisondisplay of each session you do.

In Amrita Mandala, participants can pay part or full of their fees by performing this public service. Click here for more information on Yogis on Display.

Shattering the Substrate Mind (Course)
